I am a certified hypnotherapist with almost 40 years experience

My background in hypnotherapy

My first experience with hypnosis while working as a psychologist. I certified in Clinical Hypnosis, with 40 years of experience. During my first year working as a Registered Psychologist at an Auckland Hospital, I was referred a young anorexic lady who must have been only a few months away from dying as a result of her severe condition.

As a psychologist I thought that there is nothing in my training that is going to help this young lady – her condition is critical.

Having just researched Hypnosis while completing my Master’s Degree in Psychology I decided to give hypnosis a try. Fortunately, she responded to hypnosis and I was able to put the brakes on her rapidly deteriorating condition. From there, I was able to use a combination of Hypnosis and Cognitive – Behavioural strategies to help her overcome the disorder.

What is hypnosis?

Simply put, hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention or concentration, often associated with relaxation, and heightened suggestibility. While under hypnosis (i.e., in a hypnotic trance), it seems many people are much more open to helpful suggestions than they usually are.

What can it help with?

  • Overcome phobias, fears and anxiety
  • Stop smoking
  • Weight loss
  • Improve self-esteem & gain confidence
  • Stop bad habits & behaviours
  • Reduce & manage stress
  • End procrastination & be motivated
  • Succeed in public speaking
  • Overcome blushing
  • Insomnia
  • Some issues relating to skin disorder
  • Manage physical pain
  • and much more…

You be the judge: Book your free 30-minute consultation

Important Facts should you know before choosing a hypnotherapist.

Remember – Knowledge is the number 1 key to success. Don’t buy into, or be influenced by fancy looking website or persons that make all sorts of fanciful claims. This is your life – your health – your money. Would you buy a car or a house without through investigation?

Please consider each of the following

  1. The majority of people I see in my practice that have been elsewhere report that they did not feel hypnotised – just relaxed. The simple fact is that they are correct. However hypnosis and relaxation are not the same.
  2. Give yourself the best chance to experience hypnosis – experience the techniques that I have developed over my 35 year career that will significantly increase your likelihood of success.
  3. Who can practice Hypnosis or call themselves a hypnotherapist? The simple answer is anyone, even you. How scary is that?
  4. Do they need to have any formal training or qualifications? NO.
  5. What about Registration of Hypnotherapists? And, should I only seek the services of someone who is registered? Not at all.
If you have any question relating to the issue of registration or any of the issues raised on this page, please feel free to contact me personally.

My personal dislike (as it should be yours) is to see any practitioner misrepresenting themselves.

The term ‘Registered Hypnotherapist’ sounds encouraging and legitimate.. Registration in any field is designed to offer the public a high degree of legitimacy, service and protection and requires the practitioner to keep up-to-date up with knowledge and skills in the given field.

The truth is that the registration of hypnotherapists is not, in reality, what it might seem to be which is why I choose not to be part of it. It is not the same as that of doctors, lawyers, or teachers, who are graduates in a university-based discipline and who, if deregistered, for whatever reason, can no longer work the field at least until after certain prescribed conditions are met. Registered hypnotherapists do not have to meet the same professional requirements.

My personal and professional opinion is that persons who have no formal university qualifications in psychology or medicine (or related fields) should not be permitted to use hypnosis on members of the general public.

The big deal is actually a very important big deal. Let me explain. There is no such thing as hypnosis without psychology. It is impossible.

Using the analogy of medicine, hypnosis is just a technique, a device, the ‘syringe’ if you like. The ‘treatment’ is the ‘medicine’ – in this case, the psychology aspect that is administered via the medium of the ‘syringe’ – hypnosis.

Any person can be taught within minutes how to administer a syringe – to hypnotise someone. This is not the same as knowing what medicine to administer for any given client.

Make it your business to find out if a given hypnotherapist (registered or not) has any formal university training or degrees in medicine, psychology or related. To my knowledge, the greater percentage of so- called ‘registered hypnotherapists’ do not hold any such qualifications.

In conjunction with my 35 yrs working as a clinical hypnotherapist, I have a 32 year background as a registered clinical psychologist prior to taking leave to focus on the development of MINDEASY. I am also the author of ‘Dirty Tricks of the Brain’ which encourages people not to buy into material not supported by scientific research.

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Incredibly insightful, it has armed me with ultimately very simple tools to tackle pretty much anything.

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