Read what real people are saying about Mind Easy

I am so happy that I did and that I found Martin’s MindEasy program

After being diagnosed with anxiety about 3 years ago, and having to give up his dream job due to his panic attacks, my son progressively spiralled into a vicious cycle of depression and alcohol and marijuana misuse.

The medical profession and mental health system were unable to help him. All they did was prescribe anti-depressants, and sent him to various counsellors and alcohol or drug programs. Nothing helped!

He couldn’t hold a job. He lost his friends due to his behaviour. His relationship with his siblings broke down entirely. Our family was falling apart.

As parents we felt helpless and didn’t know where to turn to. All the government agencies and assistance programs just spouted the same nonsense to us – he needed to be motivated to make changes to his life himself. What a load of rubbish! In his frame of mind he was never going to be motivated to do anything for himself – he had tried a number of different things, none of which had worked, and was totally disillusioned and did not believe that anyone was ever going to be able to help him.
By the end of 2019, he was starting to talk about ending his life.

In early January 2020 he attempted suicide. As parents we knew that we had to take drastic action and do something different from the established norm. I started to do some serious research on alternative options.

I am so happy that I did and that I found Martin’s MindEasy program.

What a difference that made. Even from the very first initial contact with Martin, before we started the actual program, when Martin told my son that he wasn’t sick. It wasn’t long – only a matter of weeks – before my son was able to ditch the anti-depressants with no ill effects whatsoever. Week on week he has improved and is returning to his old self. He is starting to enjoy life again. He has rebuilt his relationship with his siblings. He is repairing his damaged friendships. He is controlling his alcohol use. He is exercising, getting up early and keeping himself busy.

As a mother, I cannot recommend Martin and MindEasy highly enough. I will forever be grateful to him for what he has done for my son, and what that means to our family. I have been so privileged to be a part of the process and share the journey with my son.

Thank you Martin. You truly are a miracle worker!


I am now the one in control and know that I am going to spend the rest of my life actually living and enjoying it

Having suffered from anxiety attacks and agoraphobia for over 10 years I have been to several different counsellors, psychologists, and the phobic trust with limited improvements. After only a few sessions with Martin I feel like I am now the one in control and know that I am going to spend the rest of my life actually living and enjoying it rather than wasting it worrying and hiding away.


Your programme has given my daughter a new lease on life

I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to you and your programme and to let you know how happy I am about the HUGE TURNAROUND effect it has had on my 20-year-old daughter, who has been suffering from chronic panic attacks in addition to ongoing weight issues. Your programme has given my daughter a new lease on life and it has restored her confidence in herself and she now feels she is ready to take on the world and this is only halfway through your programme.


Unfailing in his commitment to see me conquer my fears

I am a 23-year-old mother. For the past 3 years, I have not been able to be on my own anywhere in public for more than 5 minutes suffering from Panic Attacks. With Martin’s help and to everyone’s amazement I have just travelled to Wellington and back by plane this weekend. I can’t believe it. Martin was unfailing in his commitment to see me conquer my fears.


I wish I learnt what Martin has to share years ago

I wish I learnt what Martin has to share years ago, but thankful further years will not tick by, making the same mistakes as before.. “I believe it’s essential to learn what Martin has to teach before you can absorb any other type of motivation or self improvement programs – thank you”.


I will always be grateful to Martin and thank him sincerely

When I first met Martin it was at the time when my wife and I started our house renovations and I was trying to study for my last University paper, as well as run my business. Things kind of came to a head and I started to find I was spinning out of control. I approached Martin, and he was able to steer me in the right direction through his specialised techniques. I will always be grateful to Martin and thank him sincerely. He is highly recommended.

H. Director

You really helped me through a very dark period

I would like to thank you for enlightening me to the traps of the brain and giving me the tools to move past those traps and move forward in life. I wish I had seen you earlier. You really helped me through a very dark period. I appreciate how you always made yourself available for me as well as your regular follow ups through this period. I would not hesitate to recommend your services.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Martin gave me the simple tools to change my take on my OCD. After years of suffering alone, I can finally experience joy and appreciate the simple things in life.

S. – Bio Engineer

Binge Eating

Martin’s program has enabled me to get my binge eating under control. I am just so happy. It saddens me how many years of my life I hated myself and all the relationships that I had destroyed. It is also sad to think of all the other sufferers out there who are not getting the benefit of this wonderful program. I feel empowered and more in control of my life.

S – Receptionist

Asperger’s Syndrome

My 18 year old son has Aspergers Syndrome and both he and I are currently doing Martins program. It is just great to see my son responding so well after so many years of lack any worthwhile benefit from the list of professional therapists seen over the years Martin’s program is remarkable it has given us the opportunity to recreate our lives and our relationships. The program is simple and easy to apply and once it is learned it is a tool that can be used in every situation and for life. After three sessions with Martin I feel able to make changes in all areas of my life. Martin’s program does not invoke feelings of guilt, blame or shame Mother.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Over the last 15 years my life has been a constant struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have 3 children. I have gone through bouts of depression and have at times entertained thoughts of suicide. I have often felt that because of my condition and the restrictions that it had placed on me that my family must have felt very much unloved by me. Writing this brings tears. A friend of mine referred me to Martin.

Martin did not waste any time going into my background and instead began a course to educate me about the tricks of the brain. I felt something positive taking place in my life from the first visit. Having completed the 5 session course I feel like I am better than my old self – I am ready to enjoy life and am booked on a family trip to Iceland – an idea that I would have sent me running for bed prior to doing Martin’s course.

I would recommend Martin to any person wanting to make changes in their lives.



I went to Martin hoping for a magic bullet and came away wishing I had always known what he taught me. In the short term I have used his formidable toolbox to deal with severe claustrophobia and general fearfulness. In the longer term I shall be facing far deeper challenges in the knowledge that Martin will continue to accompany and support me.

J – Director


Having suffered from anxiety attacks and agoraphobia for over 10 years I have been to several different counsellors, psychologists, and the phobic trust with limited improvements. After only a few sessions with Martin I feel like I am now the one in control and know that I am going to spend the rest of my life actually living and enjoying it rather than wasting it worrying and hiding away.



I have found Martin’s sessions to be of great help, not only with my personal issue of problematic alcohol consumption but also developing a greater understanding of the workings of the brain. This understanding has enabled me to rationalize excessive behaviour in myself and recognize it in others. Martin is thorough, communicates well and explains difficult concepts through easy-to-follow examples. The lessons I have learnt will be with me for life.

C – Director


Martin is gifted and used this talent helping me to find freedom and a new lease on life after a very demanding 4yr period during which time I had to deal with a death, a new baby and a difficult separation, I had become completely unfocused. Excessive alcohol use was also a major concern. Within a few sessions and without delving into my past Martin has provided a foundation for my now optimistic outlook.

I am a 24-year-old American woman [based in LA] that competes at very high international level.

P – Mother

Fear of Flying

I was totally petrified of flying and wanted to meet up with my partner in the UK. Thanks to Martin’s help I was able to travel there and back totally confident with the skills I learnt. I am certainly looking forward to more travel.

B – Dentist

Sleep Issues

Thank you for helping me with my sleep problem. The skills you have taught me make me feel so much more confident with the future and tackling all the other issues I outlined to you. I now feel I have the power to go through anything that comes my way.

D – 17yo Student


Our son is a schizophrenic, despite being treated with medication; his life was very sad, lonely and dark, keeping him distant from all his friends and family. This all changed after Martin undertook a program with him. He is now probably the sanest member of our family.

As a psychiatric nurse I worked with Martin over many years within the hospital environment. Martin had the knack where others failed in breaking through with otherwise non responsive patients. It was always impressive to see the resulting changes.

Retired Psych Nurse

Sons and Daughters

I just wanted to thank you for your care and support of my daughter. She has stopped smoking dope for five months now. She feels her memory is better. I don’t know about alcohol because I don’t see her socialise but she tells me she can limit what she drinks now and we have had no repeat drunk driving.

I no longer dread the weekends and she appears to have matured somewhat. This success I attribute to your sessions with her, so once again, thank you.

Marie – Mother

Sons and Daughters

My 21-year old son was suffering from depression and had anger issues. From our second session with Martin, I noticed a positive change in my son’s attitude. He used to play the blame game and couldn’t get past the victim mentality. He has now realised that he is the master of his own destiny and stopped self-sabotaging. I’ve been trying to get this message across for years – somehow Martin managed to do that within a few sessions. Thank you.


Sons and Daughters

My 16 yr old son was in a very bad way, angry and suicidal. We were referred to Martin by our family doctor. Martin requested that I sit in on the program along with my son. It is impossible to describe the incredible immediate impact that Martin had on both of us. It was just awesome to see my son not only relating so fully to Martin but also to see him look forward to each session.

The program was highly interesting and made so much sense. I would recommend it to anyone. Both my wife and I are grateful for the turn around in our son’s mental attitude.


Sons and Daughters

Martin, grateful thanks for your recent work with my ‘special’ daughter. You have armed her with positive thought and direction for the future. “Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.” – George Elliott.


You be the judge: Book your free 30-minute consultation

I feel like I am now the one in control. I am going to spend the rest of my life actually living and enjoying it.


Incredibly insightful, it has armed me with ultimately very simple tools to tackle pretty much anything.

JD, Financial Consultant

I highly recommend the Mind Easy programme. I felt more in control and at ease with myself.

Peter, East Auckland

I can’t stop talking to others about the program and have already referred several people to Martin.


Empowered with this knowledge we are moving forward to a brighter, stronger future.

KS, Mother, Accountant